what are you doing on summer vacation?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

If you're Thinking of Buying Animals...

Hey! If Anyone is thinking of buying pets, please check a humane society first! Some Humane societys put down helpless animals if they don't get adopted after 2 weeks, but it's only because they don't have enough room! So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE adopt from a humane society! At the Ozaukee Humane society they have all animals! And cats over 1 years old are FREE!!!!!!!

Please help the animals!


If I had $1,000,000...

If I ,out of some kind of miracle, get one million dollars, I would first save some money for college, because the rest of your life depends on your education. Then I would probably buy a flat screen TV for my room. Then I would buy a Mac Laptop. And last but not least I would buy more land around my house so I could put in a SWIMMING POOL!!!!
To bad that's never happening!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Religious Billboard Report

Wordle: Religious Billboards

This is is a graphic I made at http://www.wordle.net/create you can create your own like me! It matches my report below!

June 23rd, 2010
You’re driving down a highway in North Carolina, when you see a bill board that says “one nation indivisible”. This is a segment of the pledge of allegiance but without the phrase “Under God.” This bill board was put up by atheists. The whole bill board campaign cost over $15,000! William Warren is the man who is responsible for this, a member of the North Carolina Secular Association.
More specifically a group of atheists and secular humanists put up the bill board in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the bill board the background is Old Glory (the U.S.A. flag) and the words “one nation indivisible” is on top. This is a segment from the pledge of allegiance although the phrase “Under God” is missing.
William Warren is a member of the North Carolina Secular Association and admits his group put up the billboards across the south including the one listed above. Warren says, “We hang up the billboards to let people know that patriotism and belief in God are not always synonymous.” The billboards are spreading to locations across the state of North Carolina, including Asheville, Winston-Salem, and Raleigh, in addition to Charlotte (see above). Warren states, “People who share my belief (atheists) often fear losing their job or friendships. The billboard is designed to encourage them to be more open. We’re here. We’re your neighbors, co-workers, we’re not happy that we have to hide who we are everyday.”
On Warren’s group’s website says the billboard campaign “is intended as a conscious-raising effort to point out how every U.S. citizen who doesn’t believe in a Monotheistic god is being ‘officially’ marginalized, disrespected, and discriminated against by the insertion of ‘under God’ in the Pledge..” Also the North Carolina Secular Association’s states that North Carolina’s constitution “restricts anyone that doesn’t believe in a monotheistic god from holding public office.” Which means only people who believe in one god can run for elections in politics. Warren also states that two billboard companies refused to hang up his message. One company said “The pledge ad was too controversial.” The other billboard company never called them back after the figured out what the billboard was going to say. “It’s a pretty innocuous message,” says Warren “If someone sees controversy in the message, they’re looking for controversy.” Some people may consider the location of the billboard (see above) controversial. Considering it’s along a parkway named after Rev. Billy Graham, the evangelical minister. But Warren says they picked the spot because it was $3,300 a month.
People may want to know about this if they are atheists, because the billboard campaign is aimed at them. The cause of the affect is atheists across the country are coming out and strongly presenting their point. They affect has many, atheists will probably try more times to get the phrase “Under God” out of the Pledge of Allegiance. Some Christians may also be upset with this.
So Atheists are coming out stronger and the nation is being split again. Hopefully this won’t get so serious that it will turn violent. But next time you’re driving down a highway in North Carolina keep a watchful on the billboards.


Guiness World Records

Guiness Book of World Records is well known by everyone! In this book there are worlds records from longest time without blinking, to the biggest cake, to the fastest runner, they have it all, but I found something I'm good at and there are no records for it! I would do most skip-it! rotations in 10 minutes! My sister and me challange each other ALL the time (and I always win!). A "Skip-it!" is sort of like a hula hoop for your foot. First you put your foot in the loop at the top. Then you take the other end and fling it in a circle. Next you keep flinging it with your ankle (but keep it on your foot!) And jump over it with your other foot! It is SO much fun! Try it!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Kids Have The Power To Help the Enviorment

Hey! Here are some helpful tips for ANYONE who wants to help the enviorment!

1.Carpool! If you and a friend are going to the same activity carpool! One parent drives you there the other drives you back!

2.Learn! Read or search the web to find more info on the enviornment. Then you can tell other people how they can help (plus it's a good excuse to go on the computer!).

3.Save Electricity! This one is the easiest! Turn off the lights if you are going to be out of the room for more than 10 minutes! Also unplug all your chargers even if they're just plugged in they're still using energy!

4. Stop the Car! You don't have to drive everywhere you go! Take a bus, bike, or even walk! But make it fun! While you're walking play eye spy or other activities!

5.Plant a tree! Trees (and all plants) give off oxygen, which is what we breathe in! And then plants take in Carbon dioxide which is what we give off! We're a PERFECT match!
6. Reduce, Reuse Recycle! Now you're probably thinking "if I had a dime for every time I heard that one!" But it's really easy! To Reduce means using less. Reuse Means just what it says Reuse your old products to make new things like crafts! And Recycle means put your plastic bottles, tin cans, soda cans, and much more in a seperate container on garbage day!
7. Spread the word and Show Off Your Smarts! Now that you are super smart when it comes to going green, show it off! Tell family and friends and impress them with your green smarts!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Which famous person (dead or alive) I admire the most, and why

The famous person I admire most is probably Susan B. Anthony. She lived 1820-1906, she was a women's rights activist who helped women have the right to vote. She also started the temperance movement, where she helped women and children who were abused by alcoholic husbands. She also joined the antislavery movement which started in 1856 and continued till the outbreak of the civil war. After she published the New York liberal "the Revolution" (1868-70) which called for equal pay for women. She then with a group of women went to the polls to vote and were arrested. She tried a seconed time and was arrested again. The seconed time she refused to pay her fines. She then went across the country giving speeches on women's rights to vote. Susan died 1906, sadly she did not get to see women have their rights, but they added the 19th ammendment which is in honor of her efforts. Susan B. Anthony is now on the dollar coin.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Book list!

Hey Everyone! I LOVE Reading and if you like to read, or even if you don't here are some book titles I LOVED!

For teens ( ages 11 and up)

1.Percy jackson and the olympians
by Rick Riordan
book 1 The Lightning Thief *now a movie! The movie is good but nothing like the book!
book 2 The sea of Monsters
book 3 The Titan's Curse
book 4 The Battle of the Labryinth
book 5 The Last Oympian

2. The Hunger Games
by Suzanne Collins
book 1 The Hunger Games *A movie is coming out in 2011! I can't wait!!!*
book 2 Catching Fire
book 3 *coming soon* Mockingjay

3. The Gallagher Girls (these are the books that got me into reading, still my Favorite!)

by Ally Carter

book 1 I'd tell you I love you but then I'd have to kill you

book 2 Cross my heart and Hope to spy

book 3 You can't judge a girl by her cover

book 4 Only the good spy young *coming out TODAY!!!!!*

4. Double Identity

by Margret Peterson Haddix

5. Turnabout

by Margret Peterson Haddix

6.SisterHood of the Traveling Pants

by Ann Brashares

book1 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

book2 Girls in Pants

book3 Forever in Blue

7.Maximum Ride
by James Patterson
book1 The angel experiment

book2 schools out forever

book3 saving the world and other extreme sports

book4 The Final Warning

book5 Max

book6 Fang

Ages 13 and up

1.Samurai Girl

by Carrie Asai

book 1 book of the sword
book 2 book of the shadow
book 3 book of the pearl
book 4 book of the wind
book 5 book of the flame
book 6 book of the heart

all ages

1.Emily Windsap
by Liz Kessler
book 1 The Tail of Emily Windsnap
book 2 Emily Windsnap and the Siren's Secret
book 3 Emily Windsnap and the castle in the mist

by Ingrid Law

3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid

by Jeff Kinney

book1 Diary of a Wimpy Kid

book2 Rodrick Rules

book3 The Last Straw

book4 Dog Days

book5 *Coming Soon*


Please help the Seals and Elephants!

Help the seals! Each year Baby harp seals are beaten as pupps and skinned alive by the canadian government! Stop the madness spread the word.

Elephants never forget, Elephants in the circus are beaten, and forced to do akward tricks fo their only food! They are then seperated from their young and taken from their natural habitat. Please help them.....elephants never forget.


U.F.O.s (a.k.a. unidentified flying objects)

Imagine, your outside looking at the beautiful stars... suddenly a flash of light catches your eye. Nine unidentified flying objects (or U.F.O.s) shaped like flying saucers shoot across the night sky!
I personally think UFOs are not aliens. If there were other creatures living on other planets, why haven't they attacked already?!? Or come and talk to us? The only reason people say they see UFOs is because (duhhh!) they want to be famous! They want to be on the news, remember the guy who said his son got away in a hot air balloon? He lied! Really he hid his son in the garage as reporters fled in. And you know why he didi it?!?!? He wanted his own T.V. series!!!! That is INSANE! So people say the saw aliens because they want fame and what a horribly sneeky way to get it!
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Summer School Blog

Hi everyone! I am making this blog for my summer school class! So I will be writing my assignments here on this blog! Please leave comments to let me know what you think!