What do you think is most important out of these three? I, personally, think accomplishment is the most important because without accomplishment you have no motivation to keep going! But, you do have to have organization to accomplish things! But you don't need popularity to help you get some ware in life! To achieve accomplishment you have to be organized, respectful, responsible, and have self control! But you may have a different opinion!
what are you doing on summer vacation?
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
I Want That!
How many times have you said in your life "I want that!"? 5 times,50 times?! Well when I want something and I don't get to have it I get really mad and try to argue my point! It especially makes me mad when I want something and have enough money to buy it but my parents still say no!
For example...I REALLY BADLY want a cell phone! Every time I asked my parents they said no. But after I argued my point the lowest age I could get one was the summer after 8th grade! It's TO LONG TO WAIT!!!! I also want a T.V. for my room. Not as badly as a cell phone though. I think it's important for me to have a cell phone because if I ever need to call my parents then I have one! And I just want to have the T.V. in my room so I can watch T.V.! Well, I guess I don't need the T.V. but I still need the cell phone! So, remember when ever your asking your parents to buy you something back it up with facts that will make their life easier for them!
For example...I REALLY BADLY want a cell phone! Every time I asked my parents they said no. But after I argued my point the lowest age I could get one was the summer after 8th grade! It's TO LONG TO WAIT!!!! I also want a T.V. for my room. Not as badly as a cell phone though. I think it's important for me to have a cell phone because if I ever need to call my parents then I have one! And I just want to have the T.V. in my room so I can watch T.V.! Well, I guess I don't need the T.V. but I still need the cell phone! So, remember when ever your asking your parents to buy you something back it up with facts that will make their life easier for them!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Money,Fame, or Power....
If I had to pick my least favorite out of these three it would be fame because for fame the
paparazzi mob you and never leave you alone! But I wouldn't want power either because everyone who has to much power goes crazy and doesn't use it in a good way! So if anything I'd just take a little bit of money. Just enough for college, and other important things!

Monday, July 12, 2010
Africa, China, or Alaska...

If I could visit any wear in China, Africa, or Alaska it would be a tough descion! I ,personally, wouldn't want to travel to any of these places, because Africa is way too hot Alaska is way too cold and China is way too busy and polluted!
But since I have to pick one it would be the Great Wall of China! The Great Wall stretches from Shenanigan to Lup Nor, and is really beautiful! Many tourists have stopped to look at the Great Wall of China. It was made to protect these lands from invaders!
Friday, July 9, 2010
And the Olympic Gold Medal Goes To...

The Olympics have always amazed me! How the world can play games together to see who is the best...without killing each other! If I was in the Olympics it would definitely be in swimming! Because I think I'm pretty good at swimming (if I do say so my self)! Although I wouldn't really want to go to the Olympics for numerous reasons...!
1.I get SO nervous before ANYTHING, I almost threw up before our church Christmas play (even ask Sarah she was trying to talk me through it! Thanks anyway Sarah!) so I would do horribly at the real thing!
2.What if you came in last!?! Think of how humiliating that would be!
3.What if you got disqualified because you did something wrong!
So, the Olympics are not my thing. But they may be yours! Try hard and never give up.
No Pain, No Gain!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Invisible Powers!
Wouldn't it bo cool if you could be invisible!?!? Well I think it would be amazing! Think of all the neat tricks you could play on people! Like all of a sudden sneak up behind someone and whisper... I see you!!! They'de go crazy! Or how about hiding and being invisible when your mom is trying to find you and telling you to clean your room!
I would love to be able to turn invisible, but only when I wanted to! Because then I could everything I can do now plus more!

Happy Birthday America!

God Bless The U.S.A.! Over my 4th of July vacation a LOT happened!
July 3rd: I went to my second cousins wedding! It was a blast! We stayed till midnight dancing! Then we trashed their car! We put cans on the back of the car, and wrote on the windows! We even used string to hold their car doors shut!
July4th: we drove 31/2 hours to go up to my cabin in Eagle River, since we were tired from the wedding we slept in and missed the parade :( ,then it was raining so there were no fireworks. Then we met my second cousins up there (Not the one who got married!). My Aunt Shelly, Uncle John, and their 3 girls. Ally who is turning 7 on the 8th (Happy Birthday Ally!) Krista who is 4, and Danielle who is 2. Boy do they keep me on my toes!
July 5th: While fishing my Uncle John caught a Northern (the fish) then as my Dad helped him to untangle the hook, the Northern took a bite out of my Dad's hand. It was gushing blood, and we almost had to take him to the Emergency Room!
July 6th:My Cousins, my sister, and I swam out to a huge raft in the lake our cabin is on.

July 7th: As I am typing this I am going on a hour drive to Bond Falls. A waterfall in Upper Michigan. It was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw! So if you're ever in that area you should go!
July 8th:Today was my cousin Ally's Birthday! First we went to a restaurant called Paul Bunyan's for breakfast, they have the best donuts in the world!! Then we came home and ate Dairy Queen ice cream cake, it was delicious! Then we went go karting at a small place called KartWay! We also did a giant version of bumper boats and Water Balloon Wars: I was soaked!
July 9th: Heading back home to my house; another long drive (this time it was 4 hours)! Also I went tubing!
I hope everybody had a awesome 4th of July weekend! Mine was a long tiresome one! And now it's finally quiet without my loud cousins!
Happy Birthday U.S.A.!
Friday, July 2, 2010
My Favorite Book Series...

My favorite book series is the Gallagher Girl series by Ally Carter. The first book is I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You. I know it sounds super violent but it's not! This book series is about a girl named Cameron Morgan, and she goes to a school for spies! The most funny part of this book is Cammie may be able to kill a grown man, but she still has no idea how to tald to a boy she met on a secret mission. Now she has to hide her identity from him, but hide him from her school...
The second book in this series is Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
The third book is Don't Judge a Girl By Her Cover
And the fourth book that just came out a few days ago is.....Only the Good Spy Young
These books are my all time favorites, so you just may want to try them too!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
In a world with no T.V.
Imagine your in a world with no T.V.!! I know it's horrific, but just work with me! If there was no T.V. that means there would be no video games that attached to the TV. Having no TVs may also help the U.S. because it may cause people to get healthy and go outside instead.Therefore it may help the obesity epidemic! But the T.V. also brodacasts importatnt things, like Presidential Speeches, tornado/hurricane warnings, storm warnings, breaking news, stuff that we need to know. So, there are positives and negatives to no T.V. but for now sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

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