The Olympics have always amazed me! How the world can play games together to see who is the best...without killing each other! If I was in the Olympics it would definitely be in swimming! Because I think I'm pretty good at swimming (if I do say so my self)! Although I wouldn't really want to go to the Olympics for numerous reasons...!
1.I get SO nervous before ANYTHING, I almost threw up before our church Christmas play (even ask Sarah she was trying to talk me through it! Thanks anyway Sarah!) so I would do horribly at the real thing!
2.What if you came in last!?! Think of how humiliating that would be!
3.What if you got disqualified because you did something wrong!
So, the Olympics are not my thing. But they may be yours! Try hard and never give up.
No Pain, No Gain!
You were AMAZING in that play (even if my arm still hurts from your nervous death-grip.) and you would probably be great in swimming!!!!!