God Bless The U.S.A.! Over my 4th of July vacation a LOT happened!
July 3rd: I went to my second cousins wedding! It was a blast! We stayed till midnight dancing! Then we trashed their car! We put cans on the back of the car, and wrote on the windows! We even used string to hold their car doors shut!
July4th: we drove 31/2 hours to go up to my cabin in Eagle River, since we were tired from the wedding we slept in and missed the parade :( ,then it was raining so there were no fireworks. Then we met my second cousins up there (Not the one who got married!). My Aunt Shelly, Uncle John, and their 3 girls. Ally who is turning 7 on the 8th (Happy Birthday Ally!) Krista who is 4, and Danielle who is 2. Boy do they keep me on my toes!
July 5th: While fishing my Uncle John caught a Northern (the fish) then as my Dad helped him to untangle the hook, the Northern took a bite out of my Dad's hand. It was gushing blood, and we almost had to take him to the Emergency Room!
July 6th:My Cousins, my sister, and I swam out to a huge raft in the lake our cabin is on.

July 7th: As I am typing this I am going on a hour drive to Bond Falls. A waterfall in Upper Michigan. It was one of the most beautiful things I ever saw! So if you're ever in that area you should go!
July 8th:Today was my cousin Ally's Birthday! First we went to a restaurant called Paul Bunyan's for breakfast, they have the best donuts in the world!! Then we came home and ate Dairy Queen ice cream cake, it was delicious! Then we went go karting at a small place called KartWay! We also did a giant version of bumper boats and Water Balloon Wars: I was soaked!
July 9th: Heading back home to my house; another long drive (this time it was 4 hours)! Also I went tubing!
I hope everybody had a awesome 4th of July weekend! Mine was a long tiresome one! And now it's finally quiet without my loud cousins!
Happy Birthday U.S.A.!
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